0333 444 0089


Andrew Mayne

Andy, a fully qualified independent financial adviser who has worked in financial services for over 20 years, in a variety of roles, focussing on providing clients with financial advice.

A specialist in mortgage lending and investment planning, working for HSBC for 8 years, before moving into independent advice to allow him to access more suitable solutions for clients.

A member of the Chartered Insurance Institute, he is passionate about quality informed independent advice being available to all.

What is your proudest moment in Financial Services?

Being part of a firm that focusses on making sure people have access to quality independent financial advice without financial or social exclusion.

What is your favourite sport / past time?

“never underestimate an old man with a rugby ball” although more coaching than playing these days.

Favourite factual TV Show?

Blue planet. I’ve done a number of diving holidays and find everything about the oceans fascinating.

Favourite Music Tastes?

The Jam, Foo Fighters, The Cure

Favourite Famous Quote?

“Guns don’t Kill people, people who say guns don’t Kill people... with Guns” Rob Delaney

One thing you could change in the world would be?

Child poverty

Role model / Famous icon?

Nelson Mandela. A lifetime spent trying to make the world a better place.

What my dream retirement looks like?

To be in good health with enough money to have a nice standard of living.

If you weren't in financial services, you would be a?

I would say a builder as I love DIY... although my wife may not agree with my skill level in this area.

Email: andrew.mayne@wealth.coop
Mobile: 07875 408050
